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Better Late Than Never


Better Late Than Never

~Srimoyee Dutta  

The memory of our farewell party lingered like a bittersweet melody, a silent echo of unspoken goodbyes. I yearned to etch his image permanently in my mind, a tangible reminder of stolen glances and whispered conversations. Yet, courage fled me at the crucial moment, leaving me with a hollow ache and a photograph uncaptured. The following days were a haunting montage of stolen moments replaying on a loop in my mind: the shy brush of shoulders in the hallway, the electric spark when our fingertips grazed as we exchanged papers, the way his gaze seemed to linger just a beat too long. These seemingly insignificant interactions sent fluttering butterflies through my stomach, leaving me inexplicably sad whenever he wasn't around. Was I the only one who noticed these subtle nuances? Did his heart skip a beat as well, or was it simply wishful thinking - fueled by a yearning I couldn't articulate? The stolen glances, if there were any, offered no definitive answer.

Two years spun by, yet the memory of his touch sent shivers down my spine. I'd convinced myself it was a fleeting infatuation, a high school fancy destined to fade. Blind dates blurred into one another, their faces morphing into his in my mind's eye. One afternoon, amidst the bustling chaos of the mall, a jolt of electricity coursed through me. A flash of his familiar smile across the store? My heart hammered in my chest, a flicker of hope igniting. But as I scanned the crowd, he was gone. Disappointment washed over me, a cruel reminder of the chasm of time and distance.  Perhaps it was a mere figment, a desperate yearning for a connection lost.

Later that evening, the movie theatre dimmed, a hush falling over the expectant audience. A wave of nausea threatened to engulf me as I spotted Ishaan entering. The unmistakable confidence in his stride, his very essence a beacon in the semi-darkness. He was here! For a fleeting moment, I froze, convinced it was a cruel hallucination. But then, our eyes met across the sea of heads, time seeming to stand still. A radiant smile bloomed on his face as he navigated the crowd, his path converging with mine.

My breath hitched, my legs turned to jelly, and my meticulously crafted plan for nonchalance evaporated entirely.

Two years of denial and self-deception crumbled - under the weight of his presence. I had buried myself in the charade of moving on, but here he was, a living testament to the embers that still flickered within me. Countless nights that I had spent stalking his social media. Burying myself in his favorite books - all a desperate attempt to keep him close. Yet, these were mere shadows - a pale replica of the real thing. Never, in my wildest dreams - did I envision this chance encounter, this incidental brush with destiny.

As he approached, my carefully rehearsed words deserted me. My mouth turned to dust, my voice a mere squeak. We exchanged pleasantries, surprised to find ourselves watching the same movie. A nervous energy crackled between us as we chitchatted. Finally, I dared to ask how he ended up here. His laughter, a symphony to my ears, sent a jolt through my system. 

"I live here!" he exclaimed. "We moved right after graduation. What brings you here?"  

His question hung in the air, momentarily shattering my fragile composure.  "Visiting my aunt for a week," I stammered, a blush creeping up my neck.

"Amazing!" he enthused, his next words sending my heart into overdrive. "We can catch up sometime this week, over coffee, perhaps?"

 My brain short-circuited, a blush replacing my reply. A simple nod was all I could manage.  The movie loomed, and we entered the theatre together, him seated beside me. The mere thought of sharing popcorn and stolen glances with Ishaan, once a distant dream, now felt surreal.

As the drama unfolded on screen, Ishaan's hand brushed against mine, his touch sending shivers down my spine. A poignant scene unfolded, and his grip tightened instinctively. Seizing the opportunity, I leaned my head on his shoulder, a silent plea for comfort. Our fingers intertwined, and a sense of calm washed over him. "Mind if I run my fingers through your hair?" he whispered, voice husky.

Heat flooded my cheeks, his request a sweet torture. I could only nod in response, surrendering to his gentle touch as he unraveled my ponytail. The world around us faded away, replaced by the comforting rhythm of his fingers and the warmth of his presence.  In that moment, nestled amidst the darkness, a sense of belonging washed over me. I yearned to stay here forever, lost in the haven of his embrace. The harsh reality of goodbyes threatened to shatter this fragile bliss.

The movie ended, the credits rolling like a cruel reminder. My heart ached at the prospect of returning to the world where my feelings remained unspoken. As if sensing my turmoil, Ishaan requested my phone. A flicker of confusion crossed my face as he typed in his number and returned it. "Text me," he said, his voice warm. "I'd love to catch up. Enjoyed the movie."

Before I could formulate a response, he vanished into the crowd, leaving me with a swirling vortex of emotions. A hundred questions clawed their way up my throat, a torrent of confessions yearning to escape my lips. But all I could manage was a silent plea - I love you! Stay here with me, please. I realized it late but I won't make the same mistake again, because this time, I will tell you.

As if summoned by my unspoken desire, Ishaan turned, a casual wave of goodbye sending a jolt of electricity through me. In a heartbeat, the dam holding back my inhibitions broke. I wove through the bewildered crowd, a reckless symphony of pounding hearts and frantic footsteps. Reaching his side, I threw caution to the wind and did what I should have done two years ago – I kissed him.

The surprise on his face was a fleeting masterpiece before he melted into the embrace, his kiss a tidal wave that swept away my doubts. Time warped, the world around us dissolving into a blurry kaleidoscope. All that remained was the intoxicating feeling of his arms around me, the silent confirmation that my yearning wasn't one-sided.

Exhilaration coursed through me as he drove me back to my aunt's place. The prospect of our cafe date the next day, a first for both of us, hung heavy in the air, a promise whispered under the starlight. This wasn't just a second chance, it was a new beginning, a symphony finally finding its conductor, a love story yearning to be written. And this time, I wouldn't let the music die.


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