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How we Met (Part 1)


How We Met (Part 1)

By Srimoyee Dutta                  

Time had stopped ticking, and it felt like the world had frozen. Nothing else mattered. I was finally there. She was in my arms, and we were kissing. For months I had waited. I knew this day would come, sooner or later, when she would realize that I was the one for her. It was painful seeing her obsessing over someone else all this time, but it was worth the while. But right now, that she is with me, I want to do this right. I caressed her. It was a breathtaking kiss and the best kiss I have ever had. My heart was beating so loud, you could hear it through a wall. I wanted time to freeze. As much as I wanted to stay like this forever, I knew it could not happen. I also knew that now, when I have her, everything that comes next is going to be just like I imagine, if not better. I wanted to take the next step forward. I had waited long enough already. Now that I had my chance, I didn't want to miss it.

" I want you to meet my mother. Come for a sleepover?"

As the words tumbled out of my mouth, she drew back. Fear gripped me. Was I moving too fast? Did I scare her away? I did not want to lose her as soon as I had her. After a brief moment of searching my eyes, when she realized I wasn't joking, she leaned in and kissed me again.

"Perfect," she mumbled in my mouth.

It all started when her sporty red car hit me while I was crossing the road with my bicycle by my side. I fell hard and bruised my elbows and knees. I think I had a broken bone as well. I had no idea where my cycle was and in what condition it was. All I could think of was- How will I get to the interview? What will I do if I miss it? What if I am not given the job?

She got out of her car and came to peer over me. She looked devastated. I did not want to imagine what I looked like. A high pitch sound was ringing in my ears. I could neither move my body nor feel my limbs. I was straining to keep my mind focused, but my eyelids were already heavy. My surroundings went fuzzy and then black. That was all I could remember. When I next woke up, I was in a hospital bed. I tried to get up, but pain seared through my body. I had a cast around my arm and a few bandages over my arms and legs.

"Careful there. I am delighted to see you are healing fast," said an unfamiliar tongue. Though the voice was musical and full of concern and sympathy, I did not like it. Hate coursed through my veins. I had definitely missed the most important interview of my life. My rage knew no bounds. She was probably the one responsible for my current condition, and also my missed interview. When she came up beside me, at any other point in life, I would have acknowledged such beauty, but now I was filled with anger because she was the reason I might no longer get the job I had fought so hard to get an interview for.

I think it was the injury that made me faint again, and it was embarrassing to lose consciousness when someone was talking to you. I was going to yell at that lady, but the next time I woke up, I was served food, and the lady was not in the room. I was relieved. But I could not move my right hand. 

I tried my best to eat with my left hand, but I spilled soup all over myself. It was hot, and it almost burnt my skin. I let out a shriek. With a plastered hand and half bandaged body, there was not much I could do. I heard the door open, and that woman rushed in. She was outside, probably talking to someone. When she saw me, she called for the nurse and hurried to the washroom to get some cold water to soothe the burnt skin. 

I could not help but wonder, "Why was she here? Did she really care for me and was truly repenting her actions? Was she really sorry for my condition? Why does she care so much for a stranger? Is she doing all this just to help me or because she does not want me to press charges?"

While I was still wondering, she helped me out of my clothes and wiped the soup off my chest and stomach. The nurse had got a fresh pair of clothes for me to wear. She even started to feed me after helping me change into the clothes. I was speechless. I realized how mean and selfish I had been. I had not even asked this woman her name! When the food was consumed, she was talking to the nurse, with her back facing towards me. When the nurse left, I said, " Hi, I am Shubh. What is your name?"

Surprised by my abrupt question, she looked back, and after a moment, replied, "Hi Shubh. I am Swarali. I am really sorry for what happened. I was in a hurry for an interview. I was distracted, so I didn't see you in time. That interview was very urgent, but that is, probably, why God arranged this, so I could understand the significance of time management." She seemed to be talking more to herself than to me. She was also regretting this, and she was really sorry. I decided to not press charges. I was really ashamed of myself for being angry at her. Then it struck me, she was also on her way to an interview.

"Hey Swarali, which interview were you talking about? I think I can help. I was also on my way to an interview." I was not sure that she would also be going to the same interview at Deloitte. I was wondering who would be the other person they were talking about. I was shortlisted with another candidate, and we had tied for first place in the written assessment. I was curious to meet that candidate. I had not imagined I would meet her like this.

" If you need anything, just call out. I am here for the night," said Swarali. Though I was mad at her for my current state, and I wanted her to feel guilty, but seeing her so miserable, made me feel sad as well.

"  It's okay. No, you need not stay here. You can head home. You have already done enough for me. I cannot be so selfish as to keep you here." I found myself saying.

"No. I don't have anyone to go back home to. Also, it is my fault you are here, so I may as well stay here and take care of you."

The night was a pleasant one. Swarali was clicking and typing on her laptop continuously, but I had had a good night's sleep. I was discharged the next morning, after a few checkups. Swarali offered to take me home. Though my cycle was repaired, I would not be able to ride it for the next six months. As I stepped into Swarali's car, she got a call. From what I could make out from the one-sided conversation, it was from the Delloite interviewers. I think she might have called them up after the accident and offered to give up her position to the other candidate. When I checked my phone, there were three missed calls and a received call from the company. The nurse might have received it. After the conversation ended, Swarali was really happy, and she squealed and gave me a hug. 

"The interview I was going for yesterday? Well, I had called them later and informed them of the accident. I asked them to give my position to the other candidate they had mentioned, but as it turns out, he didn't show up as well. They didn't tell me the reason, but they said that they have agreed to employ both the candidates. I wonder what made them change their mind," Swarali said.

" You remember I had said I was also on my way to an interview? Well, we were supposed to go to Delloite and meet each other if I had not wanted to grab a coffee first. So yeah, we are the ones with the job. Congratulations to you." I said.

Swarali looked surprised at this piece of information. Like she could not believe what I had said. She didn't look as happy as she had been before I said this. I wondered what was wrong when she said, " I am sorry, I am really sorry this happened. I can cover the medical bills, and I can pick you up for work and drop you home every day. That way, you won't need any public transport, and your hand can recover fast."

I was somewhat surprised by this offer. I had not seen this coming.

"The medical bills were covered by my health insurance, and no, I can never ask you to do something like that for me. It is okay- it's settled. It was not intentional. You don't need to do anything for me. You don't need to feel like you owe me anything. You don't."


To be continued......... next part will be published soon....keep checking.


  1. It was rly amazing cant wait for the next part hhe

  2. Fuck, it was really amazing fam didn't imagine it to be so intriguing...!!

  3. The narrative captures the journey of two individuals brought together by an unexpected accident and the subsequent unfolding of their connection. The protagonist's initial anger and misunderstanding towards Swarali, the person responsible for the accident, gradually transform into empathy and gratitude as they learn more about each other's circumstances and intentions. The story touches on themes of forgiveness, second chances, and the unpredictable ways life can bring people together.

    The writing effectively conveys the emotional evolution of the characters and their growing bond. It also highlights the significance of chance encounters and the positive outcomes that can emerge from difficult situations. Overall, it's a heartwarming tale of two people finding not only professional success but also genuine friendship in an unexpected manner.


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