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Misunderstood But in Love- a short story

Misunderstood but in Love

By Srimoyee Dutta

Shlok, a young man of twenty-four, was seated at a table fidgeting with the bracelet on his hand, seemed quite anxious and nervous as he peered over his shoulder from time to time. He appeared to be awaiting someone's arrival. Clean-shaven, he was dressed in a white shirt and grey jeans. When his blue eyes caught a young lady wearing a yellow top and white shorts come his way, he got up to greet her. He was tall. This young lady named Sakshi was twenty-eight years old. She had beady grey eyes and straight brown locks that fell to her shoulders. She had plump pink lips, a curvy body smooth soft skin the color of cream. She had just received an urgent text from Shlok. He wanted to meet her as he had to tell her something important. Sakshi wondered what it could be.
If it was what she feared it was, Sakshi was in trouble. She would be embarrassed. Sakshi had spent her last four years with Shlok. Since her car accident four years ago, when she had lost her parents, she was living with her brother Mihir. He had hired Shlok to be her physical therapist. Shlok had a musical voice and a lively spirit. He was oozing energy and was always full of encouragement and praise for Sakshi. It was because of him that she could walk on her own, without any help. Though she knew it was wrong, Sakshi could not put Shlok out of her mind. She had always observed him talking to her brother. Shlok would act weird around Mihir as if trying to impress him. Sakshi assumed Shlok was gay.
"Why are all perfect men out of league or gay?" was what she often asked herself. She had spent four years, but it felt like forever. She was greatly saddened the day they visited the doctor, and he had announced that Sakshi was fit and was doing fine walking by herself, so she did not need Shlok's assistance anymore. This meant she would probably never see Shlok again. Shlok also looked sad. She assumed he was going to miss seeing Mihir.

Though Shlok had tried a lot, he knew this was wrong. Sakshi was his patient. He could not get romantically involved with her! But somehow, Sakshi would always find her way to the back of his mind and his heart. He thought he could try and talk to Mihir. This could help Shlok keep his mind off Sakshi. But when that didn't work, Shlok started trying to impress Mihir and be in his good books so that when he proposed to Sakshi, if he ever did, Mihir would not disagree. 
Now sitting at that table across Sakshi, he had made up his mind to tell her about his feelings. The traffic seemed to distract him, and the quizzical expression on Sakshi's face didn't help his nerves. He could not think of the right words to say. "There is no point in delaying, is there?" he thought and finally spilled his feelings.
" For a very long time....." and his words were drowned by the child across the road, who was crying because he wanted to have ice cream which his mother denied. It was either the child or his words that had scared Sakshi. She was now on the edge of her seat with a look of horror on her face. 

Sakshi was scared and ashamed of herself. Shlok knew! What else could have been the reason? He was gay, and he definitely did not appreciate her having feelings for him, especially when he liked her brother. "Did I make my feeling that obvious?" she wondered. What she heard next changed her thoughts.

" I have loved you for the last three years. I know this is wrong and that you were my patient, but I could not help it. I did try to get over you. I tried to talk to your brother, but it didn't work! So when that day the doctor said you didn't need my help, it felt final. Like I would never see you again. I felt like I had lost something, a part of myself. So I wanted to tell you, I love you and I would like you as my girlfriend. would you consider this?"

The look on Sakshi's face disappointed Shlok. He did not expect her to be alarmed at his proposal. He sure looked good and was not bad an option! Why was she so surprised? Why was she so horrified? Shlok was lost in these thoughts and didn't hear what Sakshi stammered.

"So you are not gay! You don't like my brother," she whispered. Sakshi has never been happier. She got up from her seat and walked over to Shlok and kissed him. This threw Shlok off guard, but he kissed her back. He was happy she had accepted his proposal. "But why were you so alarmed when I confessed?" Shlok asked later on their coffee date.
" I always thought you were gay and liked my brother. that is why I never confessed my feelings for you," replied Sakshi,  embarrassed more than she could ever imagine.  Shlok started laughing at this. He kept laughing till tears rolled down his cheeks, and his sides ached. Even Sakshi was laughing at her own misjudgment. 


  1. Yeah! Misunderstood but it’s a nice one 😆

    1. thank you. i am glad you liked it. hope you like the other poems as well.


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